Monday, February 6, 2012

Mike P.

Mike lives on the floor above me in my residence hall and I met him through a mutual friend. I photographed him in his room because that's where some of his artwork is.

What makes you different from other Michael's?
I have big dreams and I want to get my MBA after this. I am a collector, I spend too much, side show banners. I want to collect jukeboxes and antique coin-operated machines. I'm an expert on Rolex watches. I'm not an asshole most of the time. I am the youngest of three boys and my brothers are idiots. I learned from their mistakes and I learned right from wrong from my brothers. My KT, Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome makes me different. It limits the use of my hand and arm to 7-10%. I don't let it limit me. I do what ever I have to do to get it done. It pisses me off when adults don't stop staring at me until I give them a dirty look. It taught me people are very unaccepting of differences.

Thanks for working with me, Mike. I'm really glad that I got to know you better!

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