Monday, February 6, 2012

Jacob L.

Jacob and I met at the SCAD library downtown. He is also an RA at SCAD and he's a twin! Which I thought was quite cool.

What makes you different from other Jacob's?
I have a higher level of self-motivation than others. I view things in abstract ways both visually and mentally. Spiritually, I'm always looking for a new approach to seeing myself as being in this world. I see everything as free flowing energy in our universe. I'm able to break down the barriers we put up and see things as they are. It makes me feel alienated some times. What drives me is exploration and the desire to see things as they in it's essence; nothing is ever stagnant, it's always flowing and moving.

Would you change your name if you could?
I like my name, my mom gave me my name and I'm keeping it. Because it's such an average name, I feel like I'm given the opportunity to get away from the idea that it's common.

Thank you Jacob! I'm glad I got to get to know you a little bit better. :]

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