Monday, February 27, 2012

Sarah D.

Sarah and I have known each other since last fall and I am proud to call her my friend. We have been camping in the rain together and I am lucky that I get to see her at least twice a week, if not more!

Sarah and I drove out to the Savannah Wildlife Refuge early last Friday morning. She knew this little trail back there, so we walked down it in the early morning light.

What makes you different from other Sarahs?
The Hebrew name Sarah indicates a woman of high rank and is translated as "princess". When I think of a princess, I think of someone who loves, protects and fights for those she leads, not necessarily someone dressed all frilly and has jewels galore. But someone who is hard working and puts her people before herself.

I once was in darkness, but now I have light, I have been made one of God’s people by the saving grace of Jesus Christ and have been called to Him & His Kingdom. I have a high capacity for people and investing in others. I can see needs and desire to respond to them quickly. I have a passion to fight for the things I believe in and to love people well. I love to help people connect–the-dots for people.

I am different because I care about people. 

Would you change your name if you could?
When I was little I didn't like that there were so many Sarahs and wanted to be called Natalie. Today I wouldn't change my name because it's who I am. I lead and care for His people and that's what Sarah Elizabeth means (Elizabeth means "consecrated to God" or "for God"). I've been made into my name or maybe my name was my calling and purpose.

Black and white, just for you, Sarah!

Thank you, Sarah, for being part of this project! I had fun photographing you :]

Tyler K.

I was given Tyler's name by Sarah D. which was very helpful because I had been looking for a Tyler with no luck for a few weeks now. I am really glad I was able to photograph him and his family for several reasons: 1. Because even though I have only met them briefly, they seem like great people and 2. I have never been in or photographed in a fire station! Those trucks are huge! I had no idea how big they were until I stood next to one.

What makes you different from other Tylers?
Everything but my first name. God has blessed me with every card that I've put my heart into and the reason I'm different is because of the cards God has given me. From being given the opportunity to play college baseball at SCAD to marrying the girl of my dreams. God has blessed me with everything I've dreamed of.

Would you change your name if you could?
When I was a kid, I always wanted to change my name. I appreciate it now. I always thought about my grandkids calling me Grandpa Tyler. It sounds like such a young name; you don't hear older people named Tyler.


Thank you, Tyler and Emily, for being part of this project! It was great to meet and talk with you both!

Ashley Woodard

Ashley and I met up last week at Gallery Espresso one afternoon. It was a beautiful day outside in Savannah and Gallery was buzzing with people. The weather then is such a change from how rainy and cold it is outside today!

What makes you different from other Ashleys?
I went to a straight-laced, serious private school but I always enjoyed drawing. It made my peers laugh and I had fun with it. I can't think of an Ashley who is really similar to me. The fact that I liked to draw set me apart.

Would you change your name if you could?
I've never put much thought into it. I was so set on Minnie Mouse for a few months.  

Thanks for helping me out with this project, Ashley! It was great to meet you!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Liz P.

I met up with Liz today as well. I met Liz a few years back in the SCAD Swing Dancing Club. We met at her house because it's somewhere she spends a lot of time and she also does a lot of her work there.

What makes you different from other Elizabeth's?
I am different from other Elizabeth's because, I was partially named after Queen Elizabeth because of her strength and autonomy. I think I live up to that independence and strong will. My middle name is spelled with a "K" instead of a "Ch" which is rare for the name Kristina I believe. I work really hard and I'm matter of fact, but I like to have fun and I'm kind of a huge nerd.

Would you change your name if you could?
I wouldn't change my name legally but I never go by Elizabeth. I always go by Liz. 

Thanks for allowing me to photograph you, Liz! It was fun :] 

Joeseph Abie Willet

Today I photographed Joe. I knew Joe sophomore year when we were RAs together. We met up outside the SCAD museum this morning. It had just stopped raining and the clouds made for beautiful light.

What makes you different from other Joseph's?
I only know a handful of Josephs, so I can’t say for certain there isn’t another Joseph similar to me, but I would say the probability of finding some one, regardless of name, is near impossible. In fact, there is about a 3% chance of meeting anyone remotely close to me. We can thank the Myers-Briggs personality test for that handy little fact about the ENTJ and with that tidbit of information a lot more of how I am different can be found on Wikipedia.

So I think the real challenge is finding someone like me and with my number of Joseph acquaintance being low it’s basically up to you, the reader, to compare and contrast me to your Josephs. To paint the picture further and delve into my psyche it can also be said that I am a Gemini and New Yorker.. So with those two facts I think more basic characteristics can be imagined or looked up on Google and Wikipedia. But, I’ll make it a little easier in a listing kind of way so that the next Joseph you meet can ask yourself “Is he like Joseph Abie Willet who is..”

Knowledge-seeking, objective, observational, factual, analytical, future oriented, strategic, extroverted, strong-willed, ambitious, independent, realistically idealist, organized, rational, resourceful, workaholic, and goal-oriented, which basically means I’m a natural leader and actively pursue endeavors that enable me to coordinate and lead.

I like the museum, I think the concrete with the creased divisions represent my logical, ordered and simplistic philosophies.

Would you change your name if you could?
 I would never change my name; if I were to lose everything and everyone in the world I would at least have my name, which means I would at least know me. I take great pride in my name not for its structure or meaning, biblical or what have you, but because it is a personal history and a heritage. I was named after family members, whom have directly or indirectly shaped me on a natural and nurturing way. I could not be who I am if it were not for them, and if it were not for them I would not have the name that I am. My existence, my name can tell you everything about me if you knew its history.

Thanks for meeting up with me, Joe! It was great to catch up with you. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Andy W.

Andy is roommates with Mike P. which was perfect because I didn't have to look far for two of my names. I've known him since Fall Quarter and we met at a ballroom dancing program.

What makes you different from other Andrew’s?
Everything. I’m religious and I am a leader and I put friends above things that I probably shouldn’t. I accept who I am and I don’t try to impress people. I have a unique way of looking at the world. I’m very collected and in control of my emotions. I’m passionate about my art. I like to be trusted and I get joy from other people’s joy and emotions. My car defines me because it’s a very unique car. It’s also very humble and approachable.

Would you change your name if you could?

I know the meaning of my name and take it seriously as a man of God and guardian. I would not change my name.

Andy was showing me what I looked like from behind my camera.

Thanks for helping out, Andy! 

Daniel D.

Daniel and I met up over the weekend at the Amtrak station. I was so grateful that he volunteered for the project because he is such an interesting guy and seems very goal driven.

What makes you different from other Daniel’s?

Well, I was sent to boarding school in England when I was three. I am a Photography and Graphic Design major with a triple minor in Performing Arts, Writing, and Advertising. I am going to Paris this summer, then Lacoste for a quarter and Hong Kong for a quarter. I am going to get my Master’s Degree at CalArts in Advertising. I travel for winter vacation and summer vacation. I have 17 passports and now a digital one: it makes it a lot easier. I like to travel because it’s getting away from America, and corruption, and politics. It allows me to experience the world from another culture’s eyes, not just ‘I was there, it wasn’t that great.’ That’s only because you went to the tourist sections. My favorite place is the Galapagos Islands. They are so beautiful. Most recently I’ve been to China, Japan, and India: in that order.

Would you change your name if you could?

I’ve done it before. My birth name was Dani and I changed it from Dani to Daniel.

Thanks for meeting up with me, Daniel! So glad to meet you :]

Monday, February 6, 2012

Megan M.

Megan is a very good friend of mine. We met last May, but became good friends fall quarter of this year. She is my running buddy, my confidant, and occasionally my hostage when we go on "high speed" car chases on the way from her house to my apartment.

What makes you different from other Megan’s?
I am not trying to be Megan. I identify myself outside of myself. I want to be known first as a daughter of the King. In pursuit of a life of worship, I will fulfill who I am supposed to be, because he only created one of me.

I am very independent, ambitious, motivated. I see life as a sequence of adventure and possibility. By taking every opportunity that presents itself, I sometimes surprise even myself with the end result. Sometimes I change it up, do things differently, just because I can. Every new experience makes me more creative.

I just graduated college and have my first full time job in the creative field. I'm living the dream, living with friends and out of my car. It's so worth it.

Would you change your name if you could?

I am who I am today because of who I was yesterday. If I had a different name, I wouldn’t be the same person. My name is safely tucked in the middle of the alphabet, so I never have to be first or last.

I'm so glad you came for the weekend and that you were part of my project. Thank you, Megan!

Chris L.

Chris lives on my floor at my residence hall. I've known him since the beginning of fall quarter this year. I photographed him in his apartment, relaxing on his couch,  sort of :]

What makes you different from other Christopher's?
I'm artistically inclined. I've receive many awards and accolades for my art which I'm proud of. I'm taller than most people. I enjoy sports and taking care of my body and myself. I love to cook and cooking healthy. While I've got the tools to succeed, I don't actually want a career. I try to avoid that responsibility. I'm introverted but I feel I'm a good conversationalist. I'm well read which I think is rare in our culture. I don't judge people, I believe in live and let live. I have trouble making connections with other people and building lasting relationships. I feel like I lose touch with a lot of my friends. I think it happened after my parents got divorced.

Would you change your name if you could?
No, it never even crossed my mind. I've always been Chris and I'll always be Chris.

Thanks for working with me, Chris! I really appreciate it :]

Mike P.

Mike lives on the floor above me in my residence hall and I met him through a mutual friend. I photographed him in his room because that's where some of his artwork is.

What makes you different from other Michael's?
I have big dreams and I want to get my MBA after this. I am a collector, I spend too much, side show banners. I want to collect jukeboxes and antique coin-operated machines. I'm an expert on Rolex watches. I'm not an asshole most of the time. I am the youngest of three boys and my brothers are idiots. I learned from their mistakes and I learned right from wrong from my brothers. My KT, Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome makes me different. It limits the use of my hand and arm to 7-10%. I don't let it limit me. I do what ever I have to do to get it done. It pisses me off when adults don't stop staring at me until I give them a dirty look. It taught me people are very unaccepting of differences.

Thanks for working with me, Mike. I'm really glad that I got to know you better!

Jacob L.

Jacob and I met at the SCAD library downtown. He is also an RA at SCAD and he's a twin! Which I thought was quite cool.

What makes you different from other Jacob's?
I have a higher level of self-motivation than others. I view things in abstract ways both visually and mentally. Spiritually, I'm always looking for a new approach to seeing myself as being in this world. I see everything as free flowing energy in our universe. I'm able to break down the barriers we put up and see things as they are. It makes me feel alienated some times. What drives me is exploration and the desire to see things as they in it's essence; nothing is ever stagnant, it's always flowing and moving.

Would you change your name if you could?
I like my name, my mom gave me my name and I'm keeping it. Because it's such an average name, I feel like I'm given the opportunity to get away from the idea that it's common.

Thank you Jacob! I'm glad I got to get to know you a little bit better. :]