Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Samantha L.

Samantha was my second model. I had never met her before, but she found the group that I had started on facebook, and she emailed me.

We met up in one of her favorite squares in Savannah, Pulaski Square. The sky was overcast and it was perfect photographing weather.

Samantha did so well and she was a total natural in front of the camera!

What makes you different from other Samantha's?
"I’ve traveled a lot and I’ve climbed a few big mountains including Kilimanjaro, Chachani, and Ranier. When I was younger I was brought up to love the outdoors. But I love fashion and I’m very much a girly girl. That’s why I had to be in Savannah versus New York because there are so many beautiful trees and squares here. I’m also a pedi-cab driver. I love doing it, I get to see the city, meet cool people, and be outside all day." 

 Would you change your name if you could?
"When I was little I used to want to change it to Roxanne but now I’m content with Samantha."

At this point in the shoot, a tourist came up behind us and snapped a picture of Samantha and then asked what her name was. It was quite funny :]


Thank you so much for helping me out on this project, Samantha! It was great to meet you :]

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